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A Graphic View of the US Constitution


Have you ever read the US Constitution? I mean, actually read it, start to finish? Have you tried to understand it or interpret it?

When I was a kid living on a US military base, I was given a pamphlet-sized copy of the Constitution, and I still have it to this day. That gift helped me understand how important it is for an American citizen to understand the rules by which we have collectively agreed to live by.

I think every American citizen should at least try to read the Constitution, and ideally re-read it periodically, as I do.

That said, while relatively short, it isn’t the easiest document to read. Written in 17th century English and legalese, it can be a bit challenging for a regular modern American to interpret. Heck, some people at the highest levels of our society intentionally misinterpret sections of the Constitution regularly.

So why not make it easier to read? The graphic novel format brings the Constitution to life in a fun and eye-opening way. I have two graphic novel versions of the Constitution, and you might find one or both worth checking out.

Constitution Illustrated by R. Sikoryak is a word-for-word transcription of the Constitution, where every page is illustrated in an art style from dozens of pop culture comic books and comic strips. More than a gimmick, it works way better than you might expect. Each page will either make you smile or make you think, “ah ha, I get it now.” Either way, it makes reading the Constitution genuinely fun.

The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation by Jonathan Hennessey and Aaron McConnell takes a more serious, yet effective approach to illustrating the Constitution. Each page has a drawing that brings the setting of each Article, Section, and Amendment to life in its own time. And along with the original text, additional interpretive text helps explain the meaning and intent. You’ll probably know more about the Constitution than most of your elected officials after reading this adaptation.

You now have no excuse. Read and understand the US Constitution, and have fun doing it.

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