What Am I Doing Now?
Last Updated: February 3, 2025 - (What is a now page?)
I had really hoped I could tune out the news for a bit, but current events make it virtually impossible without just going totally offline. So… maybe being offline more often is, in fact, the real solution to a better peace of mind.
Exercise is a great way to go offline. I see most people exercising with earphones, but I like to be disconnected. My regular fitness activity of choice is running outdoors - I try to hit about 15 km each week - but winter weather isn’t exactly compatible. Even though I’m lucky to live in a fairly temperate climate, I’m considering an alternative cardio activity for indoors. Maybe a training stand for my old bike?
Getting immersed in a project is also helpful. I started developing a simple new game in order to learn how to use AI in the production process, including design, programming, and art. I’ve had mixed results so far, but there’s no doubt that AI will be in the critical path of game development from now on.
Speaking of AI, I’ve been testing various desktop LLM apps. My goal is to have one app that lets me use multiple LLMs, both local and remote, and take advantage of pay-per-use pricing of various APIs. So far, I’ve settled on Chatbox. It’s electron rather than native, but it’s fast and small, under active development, and works with tons of providers. There’s definitely room for a good native Mac app, though, should someone want to develop one.
Finally, I’m taking a look at my existing blog posts that recommend products. I like doing product recommendations, and the tiny Amazon commissions are always a nice (though unnecessary) surprise. But I want make sure this site doesn’t feel like an SEO farm or anything scammy.