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What Am I Doing Now?

Last Updated: July 27, 2024 - (What is a now page?)

After a long hiatus, I’ve started taking photographs again. I have a few older Olympus PEN Micro Four-Thirds cameras, with a decent collection of lenses. GAS has really tempted me to buy a newer camera, but nobody is making my preferred rangefinder-style bodies anymore. That seems to miss the point of “micro” to me, but I guess they see other camera systems as the main competition, whereas phones are the true compact camera these days.

Where do people share photos these days? I’m thinking of giving Pixelfed a shot, as I’m quite happy with Mastodon in general. Threads also seems to be giving photos a more prominent role, as opposed to the TikTok-chasing video preference of Instagram.

Now that I’m 100% HomeKit for my home automation setup, I’ve started selling all of my Insteon equipment on eBay. It’s amazing how many people still use Insteon (which is a great system and protocol), and how much they are willing to pay for legacy items.

I hope to start some rapid-prototyping of a few Indie games. As a solo dev, this can be a trap if you aren’t careful, as you can end up “coding” instead of game-making. I need to play around with a few tools to see which has the lowest friction to help me get some fun ideas on screen the fastest.

Aside from a few short jaunts, I’ve decided to postpone most travel until early fall, when the summer crowds should be gone. September through November is my favorite travel time.